Tuesday, July 19, 2005

B 2/34 Picture


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear son of your lovely mother,

I hope things are going well for you. There is so much I would like to know about your adventures but I will just have to wait until you get back home. I really hope you are keeping a journal, it will mean so much to you years from now, and it would make good reading material.
I look at the picture of you and your family every day when I practice my flute. So strange that we are all worlds apart yet the memories are so real, so alive.
It is now 2300 on 20 July...I am at work. I think I will have a quiet night...busy enough to stay awake yet maybe be able to do a little reading. It has been very warm here in Iowa...but I stay inside as much as possible.
May a cool breeze (without dust) follow you on those very hot days.
Thanks for being my son.
Love you...Mama Lydia

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now if I could just figure out where you are - Yeah right!

It has been VERY hot and humin here the past few weeks. The crops are suffering becuase we havn't had enough rain.

I managed to save 10 zuccini from the garden and have been making fresh homemade zuccini bread every other day. I would send some but with my package track record you would not get it fresh:)

I am training for my first marathon Sept 18th in Des Moines. It is a walking/jogging/running marathon so I will be o.k.:)

W.W. asked me to begin working for them as a "counselor" so I start training next week. I am really excited to be a part of the team! W.W. really works and I am so addicted to the lifestyle!

I still have 2 lbs to goal. THe last 20 lbs have taken a long time for my body to let go of. I have been walking 40 plus miles a week and have been gaining the last two weeks so the muscle must be really building. One of these weeks I will hop on that scale and it will say "YOU DID IT!"

I hope you are well and have recived both of my packages.

No news is good news so we will see you when you get home!

Your big little sis

6:59 AM  

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