Monday, January 24, 2005


It's 1:21 in the morning. I found a internet cafe where I can pay 5 dollars for an hour of time. As I posted before I am a bus driver now. I made 8 trips across the desert yesterday, about 18 miles one way through soft sand and mud. I got stuck once and the bus overheated on us also. It was not a comfortable rise. I am suprised we did not have any whiplash or chipped teeth on the bus. Out tanks should be in later today. I hear where we are going our company should have it's own internet center and gym. It will still be difficult to get online though because the company we are replacing will probably be there another couple of weeks and be sharing the facilities with us. I was really hoping someone would be online tonite but am out of luck. I only have 3 minutes left so I got to go. I love you all. Be back soon.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

In Kuwait

We made it to Kuwait yesterday around 11 in the morning. Received some briefings before we made a two hour journey thru the desert to where we will be staying for a few weeks. It is 1 in the morning here and raining. I have to wake up at 430 so I don't know if i will even sleep. I went to a bus driving class last night so I am able to drive our soldiers around. I will be driving thru the desert tomorrow to a rifle range. We are sleeping in a large tent that does not stop all the water from dripping on us. The chow hall is open four times a day. I ate there for breakfast and a midnight meal so far. We cannot get internet access from our laptops so we can wait in a long line to use computers they have hooked up. I should be able to make it to some phones soon. The flight was not too bad, they showed some movies on the trip that have not been released to DVD yet. Somehow they were already edited for language.
Please keep the comments coming. I love you Renee.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Shannon Ireland

Quick update. We are in Shannon, Ireland waiting for our plane to refuel. We are 7 hours ahead of central time. We will be leaving here shortly for another 7 hour flight to Kuwait. I will update as soon as I can.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

My Last Entry For A While

In a few hours I will be leaving Ft. Riley for Kuwait. I will post my address in Iraq as soon as I get it. I would post my address in Kuwait but by the time any letters would arrive we would probably already be leaving. I would like to thank everyone for the phone calls and the comments you all have left on this site. Please continue to do so. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. I love you all.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Leaving Thursday

I will be leaving for Kuwait sometime on sunday. Last I heard I will be going to Camp Normandy. Two of the platoons in our company have been picked to go here apart from the rest of the battalion. We will be about 20 miles away from the rest of the battalion. I have been sick the last couple of days. I am feeling better now but I have lost my voice completely. I have been popping cough drops like they are candy. I will post my new mailing address as soon as I get it. If anyone would like to make any donations you can comment on my post for more information or click on the Make a Donation button.


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Friday, January 07, 2005

New Squad Designated Marksman Rifle Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Deployment Ceremony at Kansas State University Posted by Hello