Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Board

Recently our company sent some soldiers to the promotion board here on FOB Warhorse. Congrats go out to SPC(P) Sylvester, SPC(P) Peterson, SGT(P) Griffith, SGT(P) Gamez and myself for passing.

Also voting is over and the results for the contest will be available on the 10th of this month. Thanks to everyone who voted for us. There were a lot of entries so we are not sure what are chances are. But it was all in good fun so it doesn't really matter anyway. I will post the results as soon as I get them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear son of your mother,
Hope things are going well for you. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing all about your adventures!!! Miss your crazy ways. I am very busy today at work...my patient went to the O.R. so I have a few minutes to relax.

I keep busy with my flute practice...3-4 hours per day!! Sometimes I am able to do 5-6 hours in a day. My teacher is quite impressed with my dedication and progress.

I am also learning "Chinese brush painting" and watercolor painting. It is "fun" but more challenging than you"d think.

Maybe I can get a hard copy of your e-mail pictures and do a painting of one of your tanks :)

Do take care...

Love you
Mama Lydia

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Brother - hope all is well. As Thanskgiving approaches I have such mixed feelings from day to day. On the one hand I am so grateful that you have been kept safe and that all of our family is healthy and well. on the other hand I would love to know that you are back in the states just for a little peace of mind.

These times are for reflecting on all the things that we are truly grateful for and often take for granted on a daily basis. I am grateful for the many soldiers who have made such great sacrifices, some the ultimate sacrifice in order to protect the freedoms of many.

I am also thankful that you and the rest of our family are healthy and safe at this very moment. we can not predict what will happen today or tomorrow but we can be grateful for what we have right now.

If there is anyway that you can call one of us on friday (day after Thanksgiving) after 11:00 we would LOVE to have the chance to talk with you as a family on a family day!

Hope to talk to you soon!
Your Big Little Sis

12:00 PM  

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