Saturday, March 19, 2005

Quick Update

Quick update, we have not received the company internet so I am still fighting the crowds to get to the internet and update my site. I just received another package from my sister and also 5 birthday cards from people I don't even know. I feel really blessed and would like to thank everyone that has written me and sent packages. It makes me feel at home in a foreign place. Our platoon has been playing volleyball in our off time trying to stay in shape. Everyone is doing well. Just a not there are 1/30 Inf attached to our company. So if you know someone in 1/30 you can e-mail there name if you want and I can give them a message or possibly post a picture when our company internet is up and running. Once again thanks to everyone and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

J - I got your message at my lunch recess at school and was so happy that I started screaming - the kids were looking at me funny:) If you had called 10 minutes earlier I could have talked to you. The only better present would be to actually get to talk to you. I work from 7:30 to 3:15 every day during the week for future reference. We have Thursday and Friday off for spring break this week so try one of those two days if you can. I would LOVE to talk to you!!!

PS. I am recording your message tonight at dads so I can keep it - call me crazy but it helps!!!!! My cell only keeps them for 30 days then deletes them -can't have that!!!!

I love you to J!

Your big little sis

11:20 AM  

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